Paying it forward
Professors Erik Lin-Greenberg and Tracy Slatyer are honored as “Committed to Caring.”
Professors Erik Lin-Greenberg and Tracy Slatyer are honored as “Committed to Caring.”
During the MIT Science Policy Initiative’s Congressional Visit Days, PhD students and postdocs met with legislators to share expertise and advocate for science agency funding.
New studies show that caste and ethnic identity play an outsize role in how business interacts with government in developing countries.
The fellowships provide five years of funding to doctoral students in applied science, engineering, and mathematics who have “the extraordinary creativity and principled leadership necessary to tackle problems others can’t solve.”
As part of his MIT doctoral studies in nuclear science and engineering, Eli Sanchez investigated whether hypersonic missiles threaten global security.
MIT.nano inscribes 340,000 names on a single silicon wafer in latest version of One.MIT.
Graduate student Nolen Scruggs works with a local tenant association to address housing inequality as part of the MIT Initiative on Combatting Systemic Racism.
Propelled by MIT mentors and colleagues, two Kavanaugh Fellows will spend a year getting their innovative technologies ready for the market.
The 10 Design Fellows are MIT graduate students working at the intersection of design and multiple disciplines across the Institute.
The Fulbright US Student Program funds research, study, and teaching opportunities abroad.
The doctoral student will use the prize to find novel phases of matter and particles.
The all-volunteer student-run bike shop, founded by graduate student Bianca Champenois, provides repair and maintenance services, emphasizes hands-on learning, and promotes sustainable transportation.
The fellowship funds graduate studies at Stanford University.
Ashutosh Kumar, a materials science and engineering PhD student and MathWorks Fellow, applies his eclectic skills to studying the relationship between bacteria and cancer.
MIT has been a world leader in supply chain management education and research for more than five decades.