Tipping the balance between global rivals
John David Minnich seeks to understand how trade policies fueled China’s rise and continue to determine geopolitical winners and losers.
John David Minnich seeks to understand how trade policies fueled China’s rise and continue to determine geopolitical winners and losers.
The Jameel Index for Food Trade and Vulnerability — a project supported by Community Jameel — will study the implications of climate change on food security as they relate to trade.
Pinpointing risks can also help businesses save money as they become more resilient.
Recent MEng graduates reflect on their application-focused research as affiliates of the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab.
Washington is recognizing that the American truck driver shortage might have been misdiagnosed.
Graduate engineering, economics, and various science programs are No. 1 in the nation; MIT Sloan is No. 5.
New MISTI faculty director Evan Lieberman discusses the crucial role of international education for global solutions.
Through MIT’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, students explore research topics relevant to their own interests, the MCSC, and member companies.
The Common Ground for Computing Education is facilitating collaborations to develop new classes for students to pursue computational knowledge within the context of their fields of interest.
“A Shot in the Arm,” a new book from Professor Yossi Sheffi, reveals lessons about overcoming global threats.
From farmers to supply chains, Associate Professor Karen Zheng tackles operations issues from around the globe.
Wise Systems has grown from an MIT class project to a company helping multinationals improve last-mile logistics.
Leonardo Bonanni MA ’03, SM ’05, PhD ’10 is founder and CEO of Sourcemap, an MIT Media Lab spinoff helping multinationals gain unprecedented insights into their supply chains.
Competing research teams trained machine learning models to predict optimal routing based on real field datasets.
Study shows a need to identify domestic and international pollution sources in policy design.