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Social sciences

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Displaying 16 - 30 of 352 news articles related to this topic.
An open bottle of pills is placed sideways as some pills spill out on a table.

Physician, heal thyself?

Research shows doctors and their families are less likely to follow guidelines about medicine. Why do the medically well-informed comply less often?

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headshot of Professor Mai Hassan

Machinery of the state

Associate Professor Mai Hassan documents bureaucratic systems in Eastern Africa set up for coercion, as well as roadblocks to democratic government.

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chess board graphic

What lies beneath

In a new book, an MIT scholar examines how game-theory logic underpins many of our seemingly odd and irrational decisions.

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renewable energy sources

New power sources

Thirty-six million people in the U.S. use an energy system developed by a handful of activists in the 1990s. An MIT scholar examines this unusual story.

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