3 Questions: When the student becomes the teacher
Grad student Brandon Leshchinskiy created EarthDNA Ambassadors, an outreach program “for the Earth, for future generations.”
Grad student Brandon Leshchinskiy created EarthDNA Ambassadors, an outreach program “for the Earth, for future generations.”
The MIT Department of Biology and Whitehead Institute are producing a podcast featuring young scientists and why they chose to study biology.
Ten top journalists from seven countries will spend an academic year studying at MIT.
TILclimate (Today I Learned: Climate) podcast demystifies the science, technology, and policy surrounding climate change in 10-minute bites.
Eight biology contestants get one slide and three minutes to explain their research and impress their listeners.
Professors David Jerison, Hong Liu, and Seth Mnookin are among 168 recognized.
A neural network can read scientific papers and render a plain-English summary.
Inaugural homecoming event aims to build community among MIT postdocs, past and present.
Award honoring local and regional science journalism will go to a reporting team from the Charleston Post and Courier.
Coveted prize, considered among the most prestigious in journalism, was awarded for a global series on air pollution.
The MIT Playwrights Lab founder discusses the varied connections between the sciences, technology, and the arts.
MIT astronomer and writer investigates ancient starlight and shares her excitement about the cosmos.
MIT’s Mark Vogelsberger and the Illustris project are honored by Germany's postal service with an official stamp.
Photographer’s new book describes ways for researchers to make their images more informative and appealing.
Deborah Blum’s new book explores the unlikely origins of food and drink regulation in the U.S.