Encouraging children’s wonder with “Ada and the Galaxies”
MIT’s Alan Lightman co-authors the first title from MIT Kids Press, a new imprint from the MIT Press and Candlewick Press.
MIT’s Alan Lightman co-authors the first title from MIT Kids Press, a new imprint from the MIT Press and Candlewick Press.
The PhD student uses machine learning as a tool for studying pain and consciousness — and as subject matter for her popular videos.
Large-scale video campaign allowed physicians and public health messengers to encourage staying home over the 2020 holidays.
Twenty-one distinguished journalists will probe issues ranging from environmental justice and maternal health to threatened grasslands and endangered megafauna.
Results suggest people of all races and political affiliations can be influenced with accurate and clear information conveyed by trusted experts, such as physicians.
The Sharon Begley-STAT Science Reporting Fellowship aims to support early-career science journalists of color.
With “The Curie Society,” the press reaches out to a new generation of individuals interested in ethics and equity in STEM.
Despite construction and a pandemic, MIT Distinctive Collections staff continue their work.
EECS Communication Lab teams up with MIT Libraries to broadcast free “Science Snippets” to the world.
Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT also recognizes reporting from The Boston Globe, Detroit Free Press, The Arizona Republic, and Boston’s WBUR.
New publishing model provides unique and timely solutions to the production, curation, and preservation of knowledge.
Seven MIT researchers see lessons and opportunities for US health care.
Hundreds worldwide join MIT students in experiencing 21H.000 (History of Now: Plagues and Pandemics) as a public series of webinars.
Five courses celebrate the nanoscale, highlight technologies in photogrammetry and 360-degree videography.
WISDM has selected 20 women to take part in a Story Collider communications skills training.