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Nature reporter Elizabeth Gibney spotlights QuEra, an MIT spinout that uses atoms and lasers to encode quantum bits or “qubits.” Gibney notes that in the QuEra system, “physicists trap an array of rubidium atoms using laser light and store quantum information in the energy levels of their electrons.”

NBC News

In an interview with NBC News reporter Kathy Park, Prof. Richard Binzel, Prof. Julien de Wit, and Research Scientist Artem Burdanov provide insight into astronomer's efforts to learn more about asteroid 2024 YR4. “This is an object that merits tracking by astronomers, merits our attention and that’s simply what we are doing,” says Binzel. 

The Boston Globe

Profs. Richard Binzel, Julien de Wit and Research Scientist Artem Burdanov speak with Boston Globe reporter Sarah Mesdjian about asteroid 2024 YR4 and their work developing a new method to “find and track far-away asteroids that were previously undetectable by using technology they compared to long-exposure images.” Says Binzel: “With improving technology, we are going to be aware of more and more of these objects.” He adds: “It’s a really important learning process what we’re doing right now. So when we find more and more of them, we know how to quickly process them and assess which of them are really worth looking further into.”


Prof. Jeff Gore speaks with WBUR Here & Now host Peter O’Dowd about retiring the U.S. penny. “I think that the primary cost of continuing to mint the penny is the fact that it means we feel we actually have to use it,” explains Gore. “I think that the value of our time that is wasted handling pennies is worth even more than the wasted materials.”

Research Scientist Artem Burdanov speaks with reporter Molly Farrar about asteroid 2024 YR4. Burdanov and his colleagues recently developed a new detection method that could be used to track potential asteroid impactors and help protect our planet. “We need to observe it more, and then we can make an informed decision,” says Burdanov, “but it’s good that we have telescopes and scientists who can do this type of work and inform the public about the threat.” 

WBZ Radio

Research Scientist Artem Burdanov speaks with WBZ News Radio reporter Chaiel Schaffel about his team’s work developing a new detection method that could be used to track potential asteroid impactors like 2024 YR4 and help protect our planet. Burdanov and his colleagues used the new method to detect “138 asteroids ranging in size from a bus to the size of Gillette Stadium.” Burdanov explains that he and his colleagues "used a clever technique to find asteroids that are hidden in the noise.” 


Prof. Ed Boyden and Prof. Li-Huei Tsai have “found that if gamma waves through non-invasive stimulation, were put back into baseline frequency, it could slow down the process in certain brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s,” reports Hansa Bhargava for Forbes

The Boston Globe

During a town hall-style discussion at the Museum of Science, Prof. David Kaiser explored the importance of scientific exploration in a democracy and its role in spurring on national progress, reports Brian Bergstein for The Boston Globe. “Science, which needs a lot of resources, has to be political,” says Kaiser. “We have to make the case in a persuasive way about why this kind of activity is worthy of support.” 

Beyond The Valley

Prof. Max Tegmark speaks with CNBC “Beyond The Valley” podcast hosts Arjun Kharpal and Tom Chitty about concerns surrounding the future of AI systems. “I think, on an optimistic note here, we can have almost everything that we’re excited about with AI,” says Tegmark, “if we simply insist on having some basic safety standards before people can sell powerful AI systems.”

National Geographic

Prof. Julien de Wit speaks with National Geographic reporter Robin George Andrews about how special infrared filters on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) can be used to find small asteroids and precisely determine their size. “Asteroids get much brighter in the infrared than in the visible as they move away from Earth, and they are thus easier to detect or track with infrared facilities—JWST being the biggest of all,” says de Wit. 

New Scientist

MIT physicists have measured kinetic inductance for two layers of stacked and twisted graphene and found that the superconducting current is much “stiffer,” meaning it resists change more than predicted by any conventional theory of superconductivity, reports Karmela Padavic-Callaghan for New Scientist. The findings could do more than “shed light on why graphene superconducts – they could also reveal key properties required for room-temperature superconductors.”


Evan Ehrenberg PhD '16 co-founded Waterlily, a company that “uses artificial intelligence to predict a family’s future long-term care needs and costs” with the right care and financial planning, reports Mary Ann Azevedo for TechCrunch. “Ehrenberg — who had previously founded and sold Clara Health — helped with early research and was struck by the industry’s response,” writes Azevedo. “Curious, he tested the platform and was shocked by his long-term care predictions — so much so that he changed his diet, hired a personal trainer, and updated his financial plans.” 

USA Today

Prof. Taylor Perron speaks with USA Today reporter Kate S. Petersen about the evidence that humans are changing the Earth’s climate. "What's alarmingly different about the global warming happening now is how fast it's happening and how it's clearly associated with humans adding greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide to the atmosphere," says Perron. "Rapid warming in the geologic past, long before there were humans, led to mass extinctions. And times when it was only slightly warmer than now, like before the last ice age, had sea levels high enough to flood most of today's coastal cities."


MIT astronomers have analyzed the scintillation – or glistening - produced by a fast radio burst (FRB) to help identify the location of the pulses, reports Ashley Strickland for CNN. “We discovered that this FRB exhibits ‘twinkling,’ similar to how stars appear to twinkle in the night sky,” explains postdoc Kenzie Nimmo. “Observing this scintillation indicates that the region where the FRB originated must be incredibly small.”


Researchers from MIT and elsewhere have developed a new vaccine that “could be potentially used against a broad array of coronaviruses like the one that causes Covid-19 and potentially forestall future pandemics,” reports Alex Knapp for Forbes. “The vaccine involves attaching tiny pieces of virus that remain unchanged across related strains to a nanoparticle,” explains Knapp.