Lighting up exoplanets
The Heising-Simons Foundation selects Clara Sousa-Silva and Benjamin Rackham for 51 Pegasi b Fellowships at MIT.
The Heising-Simons Foundation selects Clara Sousa-Silva and Benjamin Rackham for 51 Pegasi b Fellowships at MIT.
Symposium featuring former astronauts and other Apollo mission luminaries examines the program’s legacy.
Major tectonic collisions near the equator have caused three ice ages in the last 540 million years.
Algorithm could help autonomous underwater vehicles explore risky but scientifically-rewarding environments.
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx sample-return spacecraft, carrying MIT instrument, arrived at asteroid in December; now begins the science to select a sampling location.
New Horizons Mission Team members Alissa Earle and Richard Binzel discuss the revelations the icy world provides about the formation of our solar system.
Measurements indicate a dense, gaseous, “sub-Neptune” world, three times the size of Earth.
Researchers design CubeSats with lasers to provide steady reference light for telescopes investigating distant planets.
MIT Kavli's John Richardson describes MIT's role in the historic passing of the Voyager 2 craft past the heliopause and into the interstellar medium.
EAPS professors Summons, Bosak, and Weiss provide insight on how the Jezero Crater can advance the study of Martian history and the search for ancient life.
Professor Richard Binzel’s new Infinite Corridor installation models the solar system at scale.
Existing laser technology could be fashioned into Earth’s “porch light” to attract alien astronomers, study finds.
Mars expert John Grotzinger tells the story of exploration and the search for ancient life on the red planet at the annual Carlson Lecture.
Physicist explores the behavior of the universe’s most abundant form of matter.
Program users can tinker with landing and path planning scenarios to identify optimal landing sites for Mars rovers.