Field geology at a distance
As part of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission, Professor Tanja Bosak helps determine the best samples to bring home for clues about life 4 billion years ago.
As part of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission, Professor Tanja Bosak helps determine the best samples to bring home for clues about life 4 billion years ago.
The rocky world, with its baking-hot surface, is likely not habitable.
Evidence indicates phosphine, a gas associated with living organisms, is present in the habitable region of Venus’ atmosphere.
By making their own lava and cooled glass, scientists find these materials likely aren’t responsible for the unexpected glow of some exoplanets.
Findings also suggest exoplanets lying within habitable zones may be susceptible to ice ages.
Study suggests the rare objects likely came from an early planetesimal with a magnetic core.
Neptune-sized planet may be remnant core of a much larger planet.
Discovery made through the Disk Detective project could help the search for new planets.
MIT scientists identify first magmas generated in solar system’s building blocks, unexpectedly answering questions about meteorites and formation of rocky planets.
When searching for extraterrestrial life, astronomers may want to look at planets with hydrogen-rich atmospheres.
Studying history has made her a better planetary scientist, Minsky says. And studying science has made her a better historian.
The existence of a magnetic field beyond 3.5 billion years ago is still up for debate.
Samuel Birch, a new Heising-Simons Foundation 51 Pegasi b Fellow at MIT, will investigate the surfaces of outer solar system objects.
A tilted orbit may explain the asteroid Pallas’ highly cratered surface.
Report co-chaired by MIT professor cites need for “sweeping changes” in academic culture.