Six strategic areas identified for shared faculty hiring in computing
New faculty in these areas will connect the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and a department or school.
New faculty in these areas will connect the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and a department or school.
Film portrays groundbreaking initiative’s impact on MIT undergraduates and incarcerated students.
Award recognizes scholars who pursue graduate studies focusing on “bold, risk-taking research.”
Senior Michelle Xu’s varied interests all involve a desire to understand the universe. “I was just never particularly picky about which way to figure it out,” she says.
MIT philosophy professor's “On the Brink of Paradox” honored as one of the best books in professional and scholarly publishing.
With the initial organizational structure in place, the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing moves forward with implementation.
SHASS faculty members Nikhil Agarwal, Sana Aiyar, Stephanie Frampton, Daniel Hidalgo, and Miriam Schoenfield were recently granted tenure.
How the humanities, arts, and social science fields can help shape the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing — and benefit from advanced computing.
At this year's MacVicar Day symposium, faculty and students reflect on the challenges and joys of education in the 21st century.
Faculty representing all five MIT schools offer views on the ethical and societal implications of new technologies.
PhD student Marion Boulicault believes in an interdisciplinary path forward for science, feminism, and philosophy.
In Bernardo Zacka’s class 17.01, students explore human values and the many ways of imagining a just society.
Senior Jessy Lin, a double major in EECS and philosophy, is programming for social good.
Worldwide honors for 2019 span three MIT schools.
SHASS faculty members offer research-based perspectives with commentaries, plus a Music for the Midterms playlist, and an election book list.