Compound potential
Kristala Jones Prather engineers microbes to produce compounds that can be used in industrial processes efficiently and economically.
MISTI: The global internship program
MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) matches MIT students to internships with corporate partners around the world.
How a new approach to funding Alzheimer’s research could pay off
Model indicates that diverse research approaches to the disease would be a rewarding investment.
The Internet of medical things
Stephen Miles helps to bring the benefits of serialized identification systems to translational medicine and research.
Biotech to the rescue
Ram Sasisekharan’s startups provide novel methods to fight disease and make better drugs.
Fast synthesis could boost drug development
Chemists devise a new way to manufacture peptide drugs, which hold promise for treating many diseases.
Conversations on sociotechnical systems
Seminar will focus on technological platforms for on-demand biopharmaceutical manufacturing
Marrying tissue engineering with systems biology
Linda Griffith combines in vitro models with deep molecular analysis to accelerate drug discovery.
Nanosensors could aid drug manufacturing
Chemical engineers find that arrays of carbon nanotubes can detect flaws in drugs and help improve production.
The half-billion-dollar idea
While at MIT, alumnus Todd Zion developed an insulin product that ultimately drew the attention of a pharmaceutical giant.
Using biology to improve chemical synthesis
MIT team finds a more economical way to create valuable building blocks for pharmaceuticals
Research update: A new model accurately predicts three-dimensional sand flow
Model may be useful in improving the flow of grain in silos, and drug capsules in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Researchers reverse Fragile X Syndrome symptoms in adult mice
Picower Institute neuroscientists use single dose of experimental drug; could prove promising for treatment of autism symptoms.