Envisioning new financing models to mitigate the crisis in long-term care
Mel King Community Fellows from MIT's Community Innovators Lab meet in Berlin to examine the German elder care model.
Mel King Community Fellows from MIT's Community Innovators Lab meet in Berlin to examine the German elder care model.
At MIT, social networks with “weak ties,” which help foster new ideas, declined during the Covid-19 pandemic, researchers report.
Developed by the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, the assay can provide new details about the type of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in a community.
The MIT researcher and former professor discusses how Covid-19 and the influx of virtual technologies created a new medical ecosystem that needs more synchronized oversight.
The paper test measures the level of neutralizing antibodies in a blood sample and could help people decide what protections they should take against infection.
The Jameel Index for Food Trade and Vulnerability — a project supported by Community Jameel — will study the implications of climate change on food security as they relate to trade.
Cecilia Stuopis, Shawn Ferullo, and Ian A. Waitz discuss where things stand; explain the rationale behind the Institute’s testing and policies; and provide insights about what to expect this fall.
Researchers calculate chances of catching the illness when aloft, though pandemic conditions keep shifting.
The largest graduate residence on MIT’s campus builds communities with its “helper culture.”
Department of Architecture doctoral candidate Lavender Tessmer has advanced the process to produce textiles that can be individually customized.
Study suggests automatically starting benefits at the outset of a recession would remove uncertainty for workers.
Seventeen staffers lauded for providing outstanding service, supporting their colleagues, and exemplifying the Libraries’ values.
Institute Professor honored for groundbreaking work in nucleic acid delivery and nanoparticles.
Pinpointing risks can also help businesses save money as they become more resilient.
Fieldwork campfire jam sessions and geology lessons helped inspire senior Zoe Levitt to pursue songwriting full time.