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Oceanography and ocean engineering

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Displaying 76 - 79 of 79 news clips related to this topic.

Popular Science

MIT researchers have developed a new system that gives underwater robots more decision-making capabilities, reports Kelsey Atherton for Popular Science. Atherton explains that developing machines that can operate without human control could “usher in a whole new age of discovery.”

Boston Magazine

Professor Thomas Peacock and his research group have examined the world’s strongest “internal waves,” some of which measure more than 500 meters high, writes Chris Sweeney for Boston Magazine. “Internal waves are the lumbering giants of the ocean,” says Peacock. “They move fairly slowly but they are very large in amplitude and carry a lot of energy.”


Researchers from MIT and Harvard have identified the optical features within a limpet’s shell that allow the mollusk to display blue stripes, reports Nidhi Subbaraman for BetaBoston. The findings could inspire developments in augmented reality screens.

Financial Times

The Financial Times explores new MIT research into the mechanics behind underwater or “internal waves.” Through their work, which could prove useful in climate modeling, researchers found that ocean ridges and channels cause the gigantic waves to form.