MIT community galvanizes support for earthquake relief efforts
Community members are working on fundraising efforts in the wake of recent quakes in Ecuador and Japan.
Community members are working on fundraising efforts in the wake of recent quakes in Ecuador and Japan.
Research and development at MIT Lincoln Laboratory will help agencies better respond to disasters and humanitarian crises.
MIT supports recovery and learning following earthquake in Nepal.
The Bloom Nepal School, founded on MIT's "mens-et-manus" ethos, was destroyed by the Nepal earthquakes. Learn how you can help the school rebuild.
The Nepali Students Association at MIT has raised more than $26,000 to support relief for last month's earthquake in Nepal.
Miho Mazereeuw, founder of the Urban Risk Lab, has roots in two countries that have dealt with floods, earthquakes, and typhoons.
MIT's Balakrishnan Rajagopal is helping to map the crisis of displaced peoples.
New MIT initiative will respond to the deeply human challenge of rebuilding after blight or catastrophe
Community springs to action after the Philippines’ deadliest natural disaster.
MIT urbanist’s new book shows how active neighborhood communities helped revitalize the city after Hurricane Katrina.
Oceans at MIT interviews MIT's Chiang C. Mei about the possibility of protecting East Coast cities from future storms.
Low-cost camera targeted for first responders, military
MIT researchers develop tool to assess regional risks of climate change, potential impacts on local infrastructure and planning.
What to do in the event of an asteroid streaking toward Earth? Activate the asteroid ‘fire drill.’
A series of focused efforts in disaster resiliency