Lifting the veil on "valence," brain study reveals roots of desire and dislike
Researchers map the amygdala's distinct but diverse and dynamic neighborhoods where feelings are assigned.
Researchers map the amygdala's distinct but diverse and dynamic neighborhoods where feelings are assigned.
From indoor lawns to meditative drawing classes, the selected projects aim to make MIT a more healthy and welcoming place.
More than 400 students participated in the event, which connected them to more than two dozen wellness-related campus organizations.
Surprise indoor lawn appears in the Student Center to calm and entertain.
Neuroscientists find chronic stress skews decisions toward higher-risk options.
Senior Bettina Arkhurst, founder of Random Acts of Kindness Week, is making a better world at MIT.
Eleven projects have been selected to bring creative wellness and mental health programming to campus.
A new initiative developed by the Teaching and Learning Lab is designed to increase students’ sense of academic belonging.
By measuring this emerging vital sign, CSAIL system could help monitor and diagnose health issues like cognitive decline and cardiac disease.
In more than 20 years working on wireless sensors and radio frequency identification (RFID), Richard Fletcher has produced several startups and over a dozen patents.
New findings shed light on how we quickly assess risks and rewards before acting.
MIT senior in brain and cognitive sciences and women's and gender studies honored for community work supporting mental health and women in STEM.
An MIT event series dedicated to the things everyone should know, but were never taught in school.
An MIT art studio and public gallery is raising awareness about mental health and wellness.
Coupled with audio and vital-sign data, deep-learning system could someday serve as a “social coach” for people with anxiety or Asperger’s.