How the brain responds to surprising events
Unexpected outcomes trigger release of noradrenaline, which helps the brain focus its attention and learn from the event.
Unexpected outcomes trigger release of noradrenaline, which helps the brain focus its attention and learn from the event.
This circuit, which weakens with age, could offer a target to help prevent age-related decline in spatial memory.
Innovative brain-wide mapping study shows that an “engram,” the ensemble of neurons encoding a memory, is widely distributed and includes regions not previously realized.
Electric fields may represent information held in working memory, allowing the brain to overcome “representational drift,” or the inconsistent participation of individual neurons.
The act of holding information in mind is accompanied by coordination of rotating brain waves in the prefrontal cortex, a phenomenon that may convey specific advantages, a new study suggests.
The findings may help explain why some people who lead enriching lives are less prone to Alzheimer’s and age-related dementia.
The K. Lisa Yang Integrative Computational Neuroscience (ICoN) Center will use mathematical tools to transform data into a deep understanding of the brain.
The visual cortex stores and remembers individual images, but mice can’t recognize image sequences without guidance from the hippocampus.
To quickly express learning and memory genes, brain cells snap both strands of DNA in many more places and cell types than previously realized, a new study shows.
As “visual recognition memory” emerges in the visual cortex, one circuit of inhibitory neurons supplants another, and slower neural oscillations prevail.
The findings could lead to faster, more secure memory storage, in the form of antiferromagnetic bits.
Research finds that as one looks around, mental images bounce between right and left brain as they shift around in our visual system.
The brain uses different frequency rhythms and cortical layers to suppress expected stimulation and increase activity for what’s novel.
Findings suggest this hippocampal circuit helps us to maintain our timeline of memories.
Astrocytes with the APOE4 gene variant show deficits of a key cellular function, but overexpressing the gene PICALM overcame the defect.