New material for flat semiconductors
Researchers find a two-dimensional, self-assembling material that might produce solar cells or transistors.
Researchers find a two-dimensional, self-assembling material that might produce solar cells or transistors.
Institute’s programs rank first in 7 engineering, 5 science, and 3 business fields.
Team creates LEDs, photovoltaic cells, and light detectors using novel one-molecule-thick material.
Novel experimental technique reveals exotic behaviors in graphene systems.
MIT researchers evaluate graphene’s potential for making desalination economically viable.
Project provides a systematic way of exploring the vast realm of unfamiliar materials.
Jill Sewell shepherds the Lambda Project in Professor Keith A. Nelson's lab.
MIT researchers find that Fourier's law of heat conduction breaks down at lengths much longer than previously thought.
Spectroscopy techniques demonstrate ballistic motion at micron length scales, open door to new possibilities for semiconductors, thermoelectrics.
New approach to use of 2-D carbon material opens up unexpected properties, could unleash new uses.
The MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub seeks to advance the scientific basis for evaluating the environmental impact of concrete.
MIT Institute Professor Emeritus Mildred Dresselhaus recalls mentor’s influence as she receives award in his name.
Dissecting the inner workings of the mucus barrier could yield better drugs, prevent disease
Thermoelectric bracelet that helps people maintain a comfortable body temperature takes home $10,000 from MIT’s annual materials-science design competition.