First MIT Latinx graduation celebration held
One hundred forty graduate and undergraduate students receive red stoles.
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One hundred forty graduate and undergraduate students receive red stoles.
The technology of MIT alumni-founded Hosta a.i. creates detailed property assessments from photos.
The Congo Clothing Company, founded by Milain Fayulu SM ’22, funds job training for survivors of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Students develop entrepreneurial mindsets and cultural competency in a startup boot camp.
Companies founded by MechE faculty and alumni solve a variety of health care challenges, from better drug delivery to robotic surgery.
Over the years, dozens of student products from Class 2.009 (Product Engineering Processes) have inspired startups.
This year's delta v cohort includes startups with missions to help women, advocate for at-risk patients, and match customers with custom cosplay creators.
MIT political science master’s student Milain Fayulu is building brands to bring change to his home country.
Independent study provides an opportunity to enhance understanding, share learnings with the MIT community.
New Enterprises, possibly the oldest entrepreneurship course in the country, has made its mark throughout the greater Boston community.
Loci Controls, founded by two MIT alumni, helps landfill operators capture more of the potent greenhouse gas.
MIT alumni-founded Spoiler Alert matches major food brands with discount grocers to sell perishable products.
Nine MIT researchers selected as finalists for 2021 prize supported by Northpond Ventures; grand prize winner to receive $250K toward commercializing her human health-related invention.
Alumnus, materials manufacturer, and passionate photography collector forged connections between art, science, and technology at the Institute.