The case for optimism about a renewable energy future
Researcher Eric Martinot presents findings of two-year project at campus event
Researcher Eric Martinot presents findings of two-year project at campus event
Earth Day talk details Massachusetts’ accomplishments since the governor’s MIT speech five years ago, and outlines new goals.
Report finds materials manufacturers will likely be unable to meet targets for carbon-emissions reductions by 2050.
Model may be useful in improving the flow of grain in silos, and drug capsules in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
MIT researcher finds Moore’s Law and Wright’s Law best predict how technology improves.
From ‘Main Street’ firms to multinationals, improvements possible in funding of research, collaboration among manufacturers.
New room-temperature process could lead to less expensive solar cells and other electronic devices.
Liz Katcoff (SB 2008) earns MBA and SM in Leaders for Global Operations program.
One of world’s largest manufacturing and supply chain solutions companies will collaborate with board on industry challenges and opportunities.
MIT anthropologist’s new book recounts the painful aftermath when steel plants suddenly closed in the American heartland.
US chief manufacturing officer will discuss President Obama’s proposed manufacturing initiative at MIT Forum for Supply Chain Innovation.
MIT researchers develop the smallest indium gallium arsenide transistor ever built.
MIT professor of mechanical engineering is one of just seven recipients of the award this year.
Sloan, ESD and mechanical engineering professor succeeds Sussman.