Q&A: Heather Paxson on a new model for open-access publishing in anthropology
Interim head of MIT Anthropology explains the plan's vision and challenges, plus progress made at an historic MIT workshop.
Interim head of MIT Anthropology explains the plan's vision and challenges, plus progress made at an historic MIT workshop.
MIT community celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Week by participating in lively events, connecting with campus resources, and practicing generosity.
In MIT talk, Beverly Daniel Tatum urges direct discussion about racial issues at a “polarized” moment in U.S. history.
The MIT community is invited to comment on ways to increase sharing of research, data, software, and more.
Redesigned spaces will focus on fostering community and accommodating diverse study, learning, and research styles.
The International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, jointly with the MIT Press, launches a new open-access journal, for and by the scientometric community.
An artificial intelligence-powered laugh track amuses and unsettles in interactive installations by Jonny Sun.
MIT Libraries offer expanded resources in geographic information systems, data visualization, data management, and more for the Institute community.
Paper provides an overview of efforts to make research and scholarship more freely and openly available.
Initiative is building collections highlighting the contributions of female faculty.
Celebration recognizes exceptional achievements and contributions over the past year.
At community dialogue, MIT historians discuss the power of historical knowledge to make a better world.
MIT Community Dialogue series is underway as multi-year research continues.
Experts in information science and scholarly communication convene at MIT to set research agenda.
With a new multimedia website, landscape architecture professor Anne Whiston Spirn makes a secret garden public and explores how ideas create form.