Bringing hope and transformation to the Democratic Republic of Congo
MIT political science master’s student Milain Fayulu is building brands to bring change to his home country.
MIT political science master’s student Milain Fayulu is building brands to bring change to his home country.
Professor Peter Fisher will lead effort to grow and enhance computing infrastructure and services for MIT’s research community.
Washington is recognizing that the American truck driver shortage might have been misdiagnosed.
Power flowing both ways across the border offers a pathway to clean electricity in 2050.
MIT research scientist explores how cool pavements can offer climate change solutions in more than just the summer.
Senior Carene Umubyeyi seeks to advance sustainable structural design in her home country of Rwanda and beyond.
Measuring traffic properties requires vast amounts of data. Meshkat Botshekan, a PhD student working with the MIT CSHub, is discovering a more efficient and affordable physics-inspired alternative.
Senior Laura Rosado settled on her major while designing a flying car.
Senior research scientist and her team are designing intelligent systems that could someday transform the way we travel and consume energy.
MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab researchers aim to design concrete mixtures that use AI to shrink environmental footprint and cost, while recycling byproducts and increasing performance.
The MIT Mobile ID offers the same functionality a physical ID card does on campus, via an iOS or Android device.
MIT-led team finds holistic optimization of electric power and hydrogen supply chain infrastructure is favorable for emission reductions and decreased infrastructure costs.
New research on ancient Roman concrete inspires durable and sustainable modern constructions.
Modeling tool showcases emerging MIT Joint Program research focus on multi-sector dynamics.
With the MIT campus as a test bed, a citizen science effort provides lessons well beyond MIT.