Foliage-penetrating ladar technology may improve border surveillance
Lincoln Laboratory’s imaging system can uncover what's under the trees.
Lincoln Laboratory’s imaging system can uncover what's under the trees.
Technique could provide unique views of single molecules that conventional methods can’t match.
New imaging technique stimulates particles to emit laser light, could create higher-resolution images.
MIT researchers use an optical technique to probe magnetism at a hidden interface between two exotic thin films.
System accounts for the deflection of light particles passing through animal tissue or fog.
Imaging scientist and inventor sets sights on launching peer-to-peer invention platforms for global impact.
New computational imaging method identifies letters printed on first nine pages of a stack of paper.
New technique can reveal subcellular details and long-range connections.
New imaging system uses an open-ended bundle of optical fibers — no lenses, protective housing needed.
Instrument scans images 2,000 times faster than commercial models.
New technique could contribute to efforts to map the human brain.
Technique for mobile image processing in the cloud cuts bandwidth use by more than 98 percent.
Optical Society honors pioneering work on high-performance terahertz quantum-cascade lasers.
The Association for Computer Machinery cites Devadas, Grimson, Morris, Rubinfeld, and Rus as having "provided key knowledge" to computing.
Nanoparticles that enable both MRI and fluorescent imaging could monitor cancer, other diseases.