Researchers use AI to identify similar materials in images
This machine-learning method could assist with robotic scene understanding, image editing, or online recommendation systems.
This machine-learning method could assist with robotic scene understanding, image editing, or online recommendation systems.
With full genetic control and visibility into neural activity and behavior, MIT scientists map out chemical’s role in behavior.
A new computer vision system turns any shiny object into a camera of sorts, enabling an observer to see around corners or beyond obstructions.
Project will develop new materials characterization tools and technologies to assign unique identifiers to individual pearls.
Materials scientist Anna Osherov helps researchers comprehend the nanoscale down to an atom using MIT.nano’s characterization tools.
The cap will help researchers gain new insight into how the brain functions.
Computer scientists want to know the exact limits in our ability to clean up, and reconstruct, partly blurred images.
The MIT professor discussed a new nanoengineered platform to investigate strongly correlated and topological physics.
MIT researchers are discovering which parts of the brain are engaged when a person evaluates a computer program.
Researchers have developed a programmable optical device for high-speed beam steering.
New tools can accommodate samples from small pieces up to 200 mm wafers.
The device could help scientists explore unknown regions of the ocean, track pollution, or monitor the effects of climate change.
New stamp-sized ultrasound adhesives produce clear images of heart, lungs, and other internal organs.
Long predicted but never observed, this fluid-like electron behavior could be leveraged for low-power next-generation electronics.
Study shows AI can identify self-reported race from medical images that contain no indications of race detectable by human experts.