Comedy meets mathematics in a new opera at MIT
Senior music lecturer Elena Ruehr turns Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace, groundbreaking thinkers of modern computing, into crime fighters.
Senior music lecturer Elena Ruehr turns Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace, groundbreaking thinkers of modern computing, into crime fighters.
Growing from a strong foundation built at MIT CSAIL and other academic hosts, W3C will continue its mission of developing standards for an open and equitable web.
MLK Visiting Professor tries to “maximize connection time” while studying protein evolution.
Exhibit at MIT's Koch Institute attempts to make visible the luminary personalities behind major scientific and engineering advances.
Investigating the solar wind flowing past Earth, the MIT professor has found solitary waves that might arise within fusion devices.
Koch Institute event celebrates the new MIT Press biography “Salvador Luria: An Immigrant Biologist in Cold War America.”
MIT physicist and historian of science has edited a new volume about Dyson, a famed quantum theorist and futurist.
MIT chancellor and colleagues help lead special project examining how bias has distorted the scientific enterprise — and how to make things better.
The new museum opens Oct. 2 at the gateway between Kendall Square and campus.
The MIT Museum director describes how the museum is reinventing itself for the 21st century.
Longtime MIT researcher and former associate director of the Plasma Science and Fusion Center contributed to fusion energy progress on campus and around the world.
Building and working a clay-and-grass furnace, teachers and students learn more than how to turn ore into metal.
Christoph Paus, the MIT physicist who co-led the effort to detect the particle, looks ahead to the next 10 years.
Following the successful development of vaccines against Covid-19, scientists hope to deploy mRNA-based therapies to combat many other diseases.
“Carbon Queen” explores how the Institute Professor transformed our understanding of the physical world and made science and engineering more accessible to all.