Superfluid turbulence through the lens of black holes
Study finds behavior of the turbulent flow of superfluids is opposite that of ordinary fluids.
Study finds behavior of the turbulent flow of superfluids is opposite that of ordinary fluids.
Researchers find that tiny nanowires can lift liquids as effectively as tubes.
Model may be useful in improving the flow of grain in silos, and drug capsules in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Scalable nanopatterned surfaces designed by MIT researchers could make for more efficient power generation and desalination.
If you’re a microbe floating in the ocean, there’s no single best strategy for getting food, MIT research shows.
New MIT analysis shows there’s enough room to safely store at least a century’s worth of U.S. fossil fuel emissions.
New nanopatterned surfaces could improve the efficiency of powerplants and desalination systems.
Computational aerodynamics specialist succeeds Ian Waitz, who was named dean of engineering