School of Architecture and Planning creates climate action plan
Aims to reduce carbon emissions through changes in procurement, waste tracking, airline travel, and other areas of operation.
Aims to reduce carbon emissions through changes in procurement, waste tracking, airline travel, and other areas of operation.
New building will create a hub for computing research and education at MIT, including spaces designed to be inviting to members of the campus community and the public.
MIT serves as a laboratory for a multifaceted approach to address the Institute’s own contributions to climate change.
Whitehead Institute and MIT named 2020 Organizational Winners in the fourth annual International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories International Laboratory Freezer Challenge.
State-of-the-art facility is the new home to MIT’s childcare center previously located in Eastgate (Building E55).
Commitment to sustainable practices earns top honor from the U.S Green Building Council.
The pilot project is designed to determine if wastewater testing can provide early signals about the spread of the virus.
Instrument can provide information on various properties of thin films via a combination of optical characterization and modeling.
Revitalized outdoor space to be redesigned along with Hayden Library.
A new video gives thanks to staff members across MIT for their extraordinary efforts during unprecedented times.
Designed and assembled by experts from across the Institute, the facility should enable testing of up to 1,500 people a day.
A decision-making framework and wiki for students developed by MIT Project Manus and MIT Environment, Health and Safety enables safe making from home.
MIT Environment, Health and Safety Office responds to national shortage by producing, testing, and distributing its own product for the MIT community.
Labs across campus respond to a call; MIT sends thousands of items directly to area hospitals in need.
With thousands now working and learning off-campus, the Institute aims to consolidate its footprint and conserve resources.