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Boston Globe

Matthew Guerrieri of The Boston Globe writes about “Open Tunings,” a three-month project at the MIT List Visual Arts Center to “explore the various ways in which the ephemeral forms of sound and performance can inhabit the exhibition space.”

Boston Globe

Cate McQuaid of The Boston Globe writes about artist Sergei Tcherepnin’s multi-sensory installation at the MIT List Visual Arts Center. The exhibit features copper sculptures that emit sound and can be interacted with.

Boston Globe

The exhibit “features work by an international array of artists who apply such critical awareness to their art and their place in society that they keep stepping away, to reappraise and to escape labels and easy reads,” writes Cate McQuaid of the “9 Artists” exhibit at the MIT List Visual Arts Center. 

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Mark Feeney reports on “Daguerre’s American Legacy: Photographic Portraits (1840-1900) From the Wm. B. Becker Collection,” which is on display at the MIT Museum through January 4.