Research update: Team observes real-time charging of a lithium-air battery
Imaging reveals what happens during charging; could lead to improved batteries for electric cars.
Imaging reveals what happens during charging; could lead to improved batteries for electric cars.
Researcher Eric Martinot presents findings of two-year project at campus event
Innovative storage system could enable offshore wind farms to deliver power whenever it’s needed.
Fundamental reactions behind advanced battery technology, revealed in detail by advanced imaging method, could lead to improved materials.
MIT team makes progress toward goal of inexpensive grid-scale batteries that could help make intermittent renewable energy sources viable.
MIT team uncovers a reason why the hottest new material for rechargeable batteries works so well.
Materials scientist explores new possibilities in topics from molecules to rooftop solar panels.
New catalyst, made of inexpensive and abundant materials, could prove useful in rechargeable batteries and hydrogen-fuel production.
There are many sources that can make a contribution to our energy supply, but likely not at a major scale in the near future.
Solar cell bonded to recently developed catalyst can harness the sun, splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen.
MIT-led research demonstrates method that could allow inexpensive carbon materials to store the volatile gas at room temperature.
New understanding of high-performing cathode compound could facilitate rapid evaluation of improved alternatives.
New method allows a dramatic boost in capacity for a given weight.
MIT researchers provide a simple principle to predict which materials will perform best in fuel cells and metal air batteries.