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WCVB-TV's Chronicle spotlights Prof. Linda Griffith, “a forerunner in the field of biological engineering,” for her research investigating endometriosis and breaking the stigma around menstruation. Griffith founded the MIT Center for Gynepathology Research in 2009 and “one of their objectives is to help develop ways of staging endometriosis, similar to how cancer is characterized.” Griffith notes that by focusing on menstruation and making it a science, “I think we will really change the game for women.

The Boston Globe

Writing for The Boston Globe, Prof. Linda Griffith underscores the pressing need to invest in studying women’s health and menstruation science. “These were the attitudes society had about breast cancer decades ago; we didn’t talk about it. But then we finally focused on the science, and overcame the squeamishness about mentioning ‘breasts’ by creating a technical language that could be spoken without hesitation by anyone,” writes Griffith. “We need a similar scientific push for menstruation science, and a comfort level with the language that goes with it. It’s time.”


Professor Linda Griffith speaks with Radio Boston host Tiziana Dearing about her research on endometriosis. The dream is “that we get diagnosis at the start, and you get your therapy at the start, and you don’t even develop the disease,” says Griffith.

Boston Herald

Padma Lalshmi, host of Bravo’s Top Chef, delivered remarks at MIT’s fourth annual Open Endoscopy Forum. Ahead of her speech, Lakshmi spent the day at MIT touring labs and engaging with students, reports Olivia Vanni for The Boston Herald

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Lillian Brown writes that Padma Lakshmi, host and executive producer of “Top Chef,” is joining the MIT Center for Gynepathology Research as a visiting scholar. “Too many people avoid talking about difficult subjects in women’s health,” said Lakshmi.

Boston Magazine

Dr. Keith Isaacson of Newton-Wellesley Hospital discusses the hospital’s collaboration with MIT on gynepathology research with Andrea Timpano of Boston Magazine. Isaacson, with MIT researchers, developed a smartphone app that helps endometriosis patients monitor their condition.

The New Yorker

Amanda Schaffer reports on Professor Linda Griffith’s work with endometriosis in The New Yorker, explaining how Griffith, “analyzed how a whole network of cells and molecules interacts in some patients to cause inflammation, which triggers pain and may also spur the disease’s progression.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Carolyn Johnson examines a study led by MIT bioengineer Linda Griffith. The study is a first step in providing a more informed way of classifying endometriosis a disease which Griffith herself suffers from.