Schools of Science and Engineering join hands to transform learning
In 8.02 (Electricity and Magnetism), students explore the practical application of electromagnetic concepts.
In 8.02 (Electricity and Magnetism), students explore the practical application of electromagnetic concepts.
Boreas Renewables' Abigail Krich discusses the incompatibility of New England’s electricity market structure with achieving carbon emissions reduction goals.
An MIT study projects the potential impact of climate change on large power transformers in U.S. Northeast.
Experts call for regulatory, policy, and market transformation to realize potential of distributed energy technologies.
Winning teams will use grants to advance research in areas including fuel cells, solar-powered desalination, and impacts of electric vehicle charging on the power grid.
A new collaboration could inform New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision initiative by simulating the impact of distributed resources on the power system.
In student energy seminar, Professor Rajeev Ram illustrates engineering solutions to energy issues.
WiTricity brings wireless power to electrical cars, consumer electronics, and other applications that currently require clumsy cables or chargers.
WiTricity’s wireless charging technology is coming soon to mobile devices, electric cars, and more.
MIT Energy Initiative analysis suggests approaches to make the electricity system more resilient by improving its interdependency with natural gas.
Combining nuclear with artificial geothermal, shale oil, or hydrogen production could help slow climate change, study shows.
Since first agreement in 2010, MIT has reduced electricity use on campus by 15 percent.
New algorithm quickly identifies the most dangerous risks in a power grid amid millions or billions of possible failures.
An MIT alumnus brings solar-powered cookers to the people of the Himalayan plateau, helping end their dependency on biomass fuels.
From afar, MIT grad student Chidube Ezeozue devotes energy to his fellow Nigerians.