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Displaying 196 - 210 of 267 news clips related to this topic.

The Tech

Tech reporters Drew Bent and Katherine Nazemi speak with MIT President L. Rafael Reif about the MIT Campaign for a Better World. “We want to be as strong as we can, but for a purpose, and the purpose is to do something good for the world,” says Reif. “That’s very uniquely MIT.”


MIT has been named one of the most reputable universities in the world by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, reports Karsten Strauss for Forbes


CIO’s Sarah K. White talks to Bhaskar Pant, executive director of MIT Professional Education, about how cultural differences in the workplace can impact communication. Pant explains that there has been an “explosion in the ability to communicate with people across borders with such great ease."

Inside Higher Ed

Inside Higher Ed reporter Carl Straumsheim highlights how the new Online Education Policy Initiative report stresses the central role of faculty members to online learning. Prof. Karen Willcox notes that the report discusses “ways online education can make what we do better.”

Justine Hofherr of speaks with Bhaskar Pant about MIT Professional Education’s Innovation and Technology Certificate program, which educates working professionals on how to create innovation within their own companies.

Chronicle of Higher Education

As part of the Chronicle of Higher Education’s special section on tech innovators, Jeffrey Young spotlights the work of Sanjay Sarma, vice president for open learning. Young writes that Sarma is transforming higher education “by pushing the lecture model into the margins and using technology to rethink the professor’s role.”

Inside Higher Ed

In a series of articles for Inside Higher Ed, Joshua Kim writes about a new report out of the MIT Online Education Policy Initiative analyzing the current state and future of higher education. Kim writes that the report, “has lots to say about the future of higher education,” adding that, “it really doesn’t get more exciting for us online learning nerds.”


Politico reporter Allie Grasgreen Ciaramella highlights how a report out of the MIT Online Education Policy Initiative stresses the importance of cross-collaboration to improve learning. “The authors noted that drawing together fields that may not be traditionally linked, such as education experts and neuroscientists, can better provide ways to optimize the online learning experience.”


Ambika Behal writes for Forbes about MIT startup Authess, which is dedicated to changing educational assessments. Based off Prof. Chris Kaiser’s experiences in the classroom and with edX, Authess is focused on developing a more authentic learning experience for students. 


Vice President for Open Learning Sanjay Sarma speaks with Politico’s Cogan Schneier about MITili, a new initiative aimed at fostering education research. “A defining feature of [MIT] is that when you create a challenge, everyone attacks it in different ways,” explains Sarma. “The integrated approach seems to unleash a lot here.”

Inside Higher Ed

MIT has launched a number of new initiatives “to expand and research digital and online education for learners of all ages,” reports Inside Higher Ed

Forbes India

MIT, Tata Trusts & Tata Inst. of Social Science announced the creation of a new digital education platform known as the Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx). Aveek Datta for Forbes India writes that the program seeks to “create new learning experiences and educational opportunities for secondary school students in India.”

CBS Boston

Paula Ebben of WBZ News reports on Testive, an MIT startup that helps students prepare for the SAT and ACT through free online materials. “Making educational resources freely available is really important because that levels the playing field,” explains co-founder and MIT alumnus Tom Rose.

The Washington Post

Jeff Guo of The Washington Post reports on Prof. David Autor’s research examining the academic achievement gap between boys and girls. “It’s well known that young women have surpassed young men in schooling but what struck us was that these gaps vary so much across race and socioeconomic status,” says Autor.


Senior Lecturer Peter Senge speaks with C. M. Rubin of The Huffington Post about learning systems in business and education. Senge says that what connects “business and education is the need to grow an organizational climate or culture that supports ongoing collaboration, risk-taking, and a deep sense of purpose and commitment.”