Bringing poverty-alleviating solutions to market in India, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda
2017 D-Lab Scale-Ups are tackling energy access, small farm irrigation, portable medical diagnostics, online education, and support for local artisans.
2017 D-Lab Scale-Ups are tackling energy access, small farm irrigation, portable medical diagnostics, online education, and support for local artisans.
MIT Office of Sustainability announces awards to multi-departmental projects that test management, design, and operations solutions on campus.
Involving local farmers in tackling a problem can provide long-lasting benefits.
Annual celebration of excellence honors staff for contributions on behalf of students, the department, and the Institute.
MIT teams innovating in medical, education, environmental, and other fields split prizes totaling $95,000.
In more than 20 years working on wireless sensors and radio frequency identification (RFID), Richard Fletcher has produced several startups and over a dozen patents.
MIT's Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaluation announces its latest product evaluations and global partnerships.
Study of post-harvest storage technology use in Uganda assesses potential for farmer adoption, identifies supply chain challenges and solutions.
An MIT professor helped turn a class project into a mass-produced product that is helping people in developing countries.
Large-scale tests compare damage from insects and moisture using a variety of containers.
Innovators and researchers tackle global issues through actionable research and collaboration.
When a plan to improve stoves in Peru met unexpected challenges, MIT senior Sade Nabahe rose to meet them.
Study of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Uganda assesses scalability, identifies supply chain challenges.
MIT researchers develop a decision-making tool for global classrooms looking to deploy educational technologies.
Study of water test kits used in Gujarat, India, assesses suitability, scalability, and sustainability.