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Computer modeling

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Researchers from MIT and a number of other institutions have found that grammar-enriched deep learning models had a better understanding of key linguistic rules, reports Kyle Wiggers for VentureBeat. The researchers found that an AI system provided with knowledge of basic grammar, “consistently performed better than systems trained on little-to-no grammar using a fraction of the data, and that it could comprehend ‘fairly sophisticated’ rules.”


Wired reporter Aarian Marshall spotlights how Prof. Sarah Williams has been developing digital tools to help map bus routes in areas that lack transportation maps. “The maps show that there is an order,” Williams explains. “There is, in fact, a system, and the system could be used to help plan new transportation initiatives.”


In this video, Reuters explores how MIT researchers have developed a robot that can automatically sort recycling. The robot uses a pressure sensor to squeeze items to determine how they should be sorted.

Fast Company

Fast Company reporter Jesus Diaz writes that MIT researchers have developed a computer model that shows that rising water temperatures will cause the color of the world’s oceans to change.


MIT researchers have found that climate change will cause half of the world’s oceans to change color by 2100, reports Becky Ferreira for Motherboard. “Monitoring ocean color could yield valuable insights into the effects of climate change on phytoplankton,” Ferreira explains.

The Washington Post

The Washington Post spotlights an MIT study examining how climate change will alter the color of the oceans. “Changes are happening because of climate change,” says principal research scientist Stephanie Dutkiewicz. “The change in the color of the ocean will be one of early warning signals that we really have changed our planet.”

BBC News

BBC News reporter Matt McGrath writes that MIT researchers have found rising temperatures caused by climate change will cause the world’s oceans to become bluer, as the increased temperatures alter the mixture of phytoplankton. The color change “will likely be one of the earliest warning signals that we have changed the ecology of the ocean,” explains principal research scientist Stephanie Dutkiewicz.

USA Today

A study by MIT researchers shows that climate change will have a significant impact on phytoplankton, which will cause the oceans to change color, reports Brett Molina for USA Today. The researchers “developed a model simulating how different species of phytoplankton will grow and interact, and how warming oceans will have an impact,” Molina explains.


CNN reporter Jen Christensen writes that a new study by MIT researchers finds that climate change will impact phytoplankton, causing the color of the world’s oceans to shift. “The change is not a good thing, since it will definitely impact the rest of the food web,” says principal research scientist Stephanie Dutkiewicz.


A new study by MIT scientists provides evidence that climate-driven changes in phytoplankton will cause more than half of the world’s oceans to shift in color by 2100, reports Barbara Moran for WBUR. Principal research scientist Stephanie Dutkiewicz explains that the color changes are important “because they tell us a lot about what's changing in the ocean.”

BBC News

In this video, graduate student Nima Fazeli speaks with the BBC News about his work developing a robot that uses sensors and cameras to learn how to play Jenga. “It’s using these techniques from AI and machine learning to be able to predict the future of its actions and decide what is the next best move,” explains Fazeli.

CBS News

CBS This Morning spotlights how MIT researchers have developed a new robot that can successfully play Jenga. “It is an automated system that has had a learning period first,” explains Prof. Alberto Rodriguez. “It uses the information from the camera and the force sensor to interpret its interactions with the Jenga tower.”


MIT researchers have developed a robot that can play Jenga. “It "learns" whether to remove a specific block in real time, using visual and tactile feedback, in much the same way as a human player would switch blocks if the tower started to wobble,” reports Jack Guy for CNN.


MIT researchers have developed a robot that can learn how to successfully play Jenga, reports Brian Heater for TechCrunch. “The robot has to learn in the real world, by interacting with the real Jenga tower,” explains Prof. Alberto Rodriguez. “The key challenge is to learn from a relatively small number of experiments by exploiting common sense about objects and physics.”


Gizmodo reporter Andrew Liszewski writes that MIT researchers have developed a robot that can play Jenga using visual and physical cues. The ability to feel “facilitated the robot’s ability to learn how to play all on its own, both in terms of finding a block that was loose enough to remove, and repositioning it on the top of the tower without upsetting the delicate balance.”