Panel addresses technologies needed for a net-zero future
Critical needs for curbing greenhouse gases include non-fossil fuel aviation, buildings, electric grids, industrial processes, and the potential of fusion power.
Critical needs for curbing greenhouse gases include non-fossil fuel aviation, buildings, electric grids, industrial processes, and the potential of fusion power.
MIT researchers work to discover biodegradable polyesters, with support from the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium, J-WAFS, and DIC Corp.
Technology demonstrations show the machine’s major components achieve the required performance.
A variety of recent events highlighted efforts by faculty, staff, and students to make a difference today.
Fifteen principal investigators from across MIT will conduct early work to solve issues ranging from water contamination to aquaculture monitoring and management.
With the support of each other and MIT faculty, students in the MCSC’s Climate and Sustainability Scholars Program are making their impact on real-world climate challenges.
With sustainability in mind, MIT’s EHS Lab Plastics Recycling Program gathers clean plastics from 212 MIT labs, recycling some 280 pounds per week.
MIT CSHub Deputy Director Hessam AzariJafari is conducting vital research to investigate the impacts of concrete's carbonation across its life cycle.
MIT engineers discover new carbonation pathways for creating more environmentally friendly concrete.
Projects, publications, and academia-industry networks produce pathways for the real estate industry to address the climate crisis.
The teams will work toward sustainable microchips and topological materials as well as socioresilient materials design.
Drawing inspiration from butterfly wings, reflective fibers woven into clothing could reshape textile sorting and recycling.
John Sterman brings workshops with management flight simulators to businesses working toward environmental sustainability.
MIT alumnus-founded FarmWise uses autonomous machines to snip weeds while preserving crops, eliminating the need for herbicides.
MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative Director Jason Jay helps organizations decide on and implement their sustainability goals.