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Center for Gynepathology Research

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WCVB-TV's Chronicle spotlights Prof. Linda Griffith, “a forerunner in the field of biological engineering,” for her research investigating endometriosis and breaking the stigma around menstruation. Griffith founded the MIT Center for Gynepathology Research in 2009 and “one of their objectives is to help develop ways of staging endometriosis, similar to how cancer is characterized.” Griffith notes that by focusing on menstruation and making it a science, “I think we will really change the game for women.

Boston Herald

Padma Lalshmi, host of Bravo’s Top Chef, delivered remarks at MIT’s fourth annual Open Endoscopy Forum. Ahead of her speech, Lakshmi spent the day at MIT touring labs and engaging with students, reports Olivia Vanni for The Boston Herald

Boston Herald

“Top Chef” star Padma Lakshmi has been named a visiting scholar at MIT’s Center for Gynepathology Research and will be speaking at the center’s Open Endoscopy Forum, according to the Boston Herald. The forum will feature “top MIT minds and medical experts, all of whom will shine light on the push to make improvements within the specialty.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Lillian Brown writes that Padma Lakshmi, host and executive producer of “Top Chef,” is joining the MIT Center for Gynepathology Research as a visiting scholar. “Too many people avoid talking about difficult subjects in women’s health,” said Lakshmi.

Boston Magazine

Dr. Keith Isaacson of Newton-Wellesley Hospital discusses the hospital’s collaboration with MIT on gynepathology research with Andrea Timpano of Boston Magazine. Isaacson, with MIT researchers, developed a smartphone app that helps endometriosis patients monitor their condition.