Mapping molecular neighborhoods
Associate Professor Ernest Fraenkel uses biological network modeling to identify new targets for disease.
Associate Professor Ernest Fraenkel uses biological network modeling to identify new targets for disease.
Annual poster session showcases recent work on biological effects of exposure to environmental agents.
Assistant professor of physics probes the formation of enzyme clusters that enable gene copying and protein production in living cells.
MIT students improve the quality of life, safety, and independence of The Boston Home residents with InstaAid mobile application.
Professor John Heywood SM ’62, PhD ’65 and his two sons, Jamie ‘91 and Ben ’93, have used MIT thinking — in particular, systems dynamics and manufacturing management — to transform research models after losing a family member to ALS.
MIT students learn new technologies while making meaningful contributions to people with disabilities.
President L. Rafael Reif accepts ice bucket challenge to benefit ALS research.
New study finds link between neurons’ inability to repair DNA and neurodegeneration.
Undergraduate teams create helpful phone apps and devices for people with disabilities.
Microchip technology rapidly identifies compounds for regrowing nerves, in live animals.
New MIT technology allows high-speed study of zebrafish larvae, often used to model human diseases.
MIT engineer Joel Dawson and colleagues built a handheld probe that could help doctors monitor muscle atrophy in patients with Lou Gehrig's Disease and similar ailments.