Proteins linked to longevity may be involved in mood control
Excess of sirtuins can produce anxiety, a possible evolutionary adaptation to dietary restriction.
Excess of sirtuins can produce anxiety, a possible evolutionary adaptation to dietary restriction.
New technology helps scientists discover drugs to strengthen synapses.
In Killian Award lecture, Rudolf Jaenisch outlines progress and possibilities for treating human disease with stem cells.
MIT chemists have synthesized a family of natural compounds that have shown promise in killing tumor cells.
Sirtuins appear to control production of the devastating protein fragments that form plaques in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.
New MIT technology allows high-speed study of zebrafish larvae, often used to model human diseases.
Discovery could lead to new drugs to fight Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases.
In clinical trial, new approach developed at MIT improves memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
MIT neuroscientists are using their knowledge of the brain to generate promising treatments for autism, mental retardation and Alzheimer’s disease.
Danone drink based on MIT work does well in first human tests.