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Fortune- CNN

Writing for Fortune, Barb Darrow highlights how IBM has committed $240 million to establish a new joint AI lab with MIT. Darrow explains that, “the resulting MIT–IBM Watson AI Lab will focus on a handful of key AI areas including the development of new 'deep learning' algorithms.”

New Scientist

New Scientist reporter Matt Reynolds writes that MIT researchers have developed a new system that can determine how much pain a patient is experiencing. “By examining tiny facial expressions and calibrating the system to each person, it provides a level of objectivity in an area where that’s normally hard to come by,” explains Reynolds. 

Boston Globe

MIT researchers have developed a new “socially aware” robot that can follow the rules of pedestrian conduct, reports Ben Thompson for The Boston Globe. Thompson explains that the robot, “can seamlessly move with people in public spaces. The technology could eventually lead to robots that perform a variety of delivery and transportation tasks.”


CSAIL researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system that can reduce video buffering, writes Kevin Murnane for Forbes. The system, “adapts on the fly to current network and buffers conditions,” enabling smoother streaming than other methods.   


An algorithm developed by Prof. Iyad Rahwan and graduate student Bjarke Felbo has been trained to detect sarcasm in tweets that use emojis, writes Josh Lowe for Newsweek.  After reading over 1 billion tweets with emojis, the algorithm predicted, “which emoji would be associated with a given tweet based on its emotional tone,” explains Lowe. 


CSAIL researchers have developed an artificial neural network that generates recipes from pictures of food, reports Laurel Dalrymple for NPR. The researchers input recipes into an AI system, which learned patterns “connections between the ingredients in the recipes and the photos of food,” explains Dalrymple.

USA Today

In this video for USA Today, Sean Dowling highlights Pic2Recipe, the artificial intelligence system developed by CSAIL researchers that can predict recipes based off images of food. The researchers hope the app could one day be used to help, “people track daily nutrition by seeing what’s in their food.”

BBC News

Researchers at MIT have developed an algorithm that can identify recipes based on a photo, writes BBC News reporter Zoe Kleinman. The algorithm, which was trained using a database of over one million photos, could be developed to show “how a food is prepared and could also be adapted to provide nutritional information,” writes Kleinman.

New Scientist

MIT researchers have developed a new machine learning algorithm that can look at photos of food and suggest a recipe to create the pictured dish, reports Matt Reynolds for New Scientist. Reynolds explains that, “eventually people could use an improved version of the algorithm to help them track their diet throughout the day.”


CSAIL researchers have trained an AI system to look at images of food, predict the ingredients used, and even suggest recipes, writes Matt Burgess for Wired. The system could also analyze meals to determine their nutritional value or “manipulate an existing recipe to be healthier or to conform to certain dietary restrictions," explains graduate student Nick Hynes.

BBC News

CSAIL researchers have developed drones that can drive and fly through a city-like setting, reports Gareth Mitchell for BBC News. The goal for this research is to have the vehicles “coordinate with each other and make intelligent decisions when they fly and drive,” says graduate student Brandon Araki. 

Fox News

FOX News reporter Grace Williams writes that MIT researchers have developed a new system to assist people with visual impairments in navigating their surroundings. “We wanted to primarily complement the white cane to allow users with visual impairments to quickly assess their environment in a contactless manner,” explains graduate student Robert Katzschmann. 


Wired reporter Matt Simon writes that CSAIL researchers have developed a system of drones that can successfully fly and drive through a city-like setting. Simon explains that the framework is a good step, “toward imagining a transportation infrastructure that works in three dimensions, not just two.”

Bloomberg Businessweek

Bloomberg Businessweek reporter Arianne Cohen profiles graduate student Joy Buolamwini, who founded the algorithmic Justice League in an effort to make people more aware of the biases embedded in AI systems. “We’re using facial analysis as an exemplar to show how we can include more inclusive training data in the first place,” says Buolamwini of her work. 

BBC News

Prof. Daniela Rus and graduate student Robert Katzschmann speak with BBC reporter Gareth Mitchell about the device they developed to help the visually impaired navigate. Rus explains that they applied the technologies used for autonomous driving to develop a system that can, “guide a visually impaired person in the same way a suite of sensors can guide a self-driving car.”