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John Reilly of MIT’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change speaks with Barbara Howard of WGBH’s All Things Considered about how his group’s research on the Paris climate agreement was distorted. Reilly explains that he and his colleagues hoped their research would, “solidify the idea that the Paris Agreement was moving us forward.”

The Wall Street Journal

Writing for The Wall Street Journal about businesses investing in green power, Brian Baskin highlights how MIT joined forces with two Boston-based organizations to buy power from a solar farm in North Carolina. “We saw it as an opportunity where we could set an example,” says Joe Higgins, MIT's director of infrastructure business operations. 

Boston Globe

Sacha Pfeiffer highlights how MIT began providing employees free MBTA passes for local bus and subway services as part of The Boston Globe’s 2017 “Game Changers” section. Pfeiffer notes that MIT, “true to its high-tech reputation, took a pair of innovative steps last year to dissuade its employees from driving to work.”

Boston Globe

In an article for The Boston Globe’s 2017 “Game Changers” section - which highlights ideas, inventions, people and places making waves in Boston - Robert Weisman spotlights The Engine. “We hope to create world-changing companies that will grow in the Boston region,” explains Katie Rae, The Engine’s President and CEO.

Real Time with Bill Maher

Prof. Ernest Moniz, the former Secretary of Energy, appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher to discuss the Iran nuclear deal. Moniz explains that the deal helps to ensure nuclear security as it “puts in place verification measures that are completely unique and apply to this deal forever.” 

Politico Pro

Politico Pro reporter Alex Guillén writes that David Goldston, director of government affairs for the National Resources Defense Council, has been selected to lead MIT’s Washington Office. 


WBUR reporter Asma Khalid reports on how The Engine could help the Boston-area innovation ecosystem. Katie Rae, president and CEO of The Engine, explains that The Engine will support startups focused on tough technologies, which “take longer than most venture capital firms want to take bets on."

Times Higher Education

President L. Rafael Reif speaks with Ellie Bothwell of Times Higher Education about MIT’s efforts to study how people learn and the future of education. Reif notes that at MIT, education is interdisciplinary and focused on bringing “knowledge from different areas…Problems are problems. You have to solve them with whatever knowledge you can get.”

The Guardian

Alan Yuhas of The Guardian reports that Prof. Ernest Moniz, who recently returned to MIT, finds the current administration’s “anti-scientific” comments worrying. “If we’re not going to have fact-based discussions it’s very, very difficult to have an informed electorate and informed opinions,” says Prof. Moniz. 

Associated Press

After serving as the U.S. Energy Secretary for nearly four years, Prof. Ernest Moniz has returned to MIT as a part time physics professor and special adviser to President L. Rafael Reif, reports the Associated Press.

Radio Boston (WBUR)

Katie Rae, president and CEO of The Engine, speaks with Meghna Chakrabarti of Radio Boston about her new role and why The Engine is aimed at addressing the gap between science and commercialization. Rae explains that The Engine will be focused on “investing very early into the translational stage for science-oriented startups.”

Greentech Media

Greentech Media reporter Julian Spector writes that during the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E Summit, President L. Rafael Reif made the case for the necessity of government funding for basic science.  Reif explained that support for scientific research is “an investment in our future.”

The Washington Post

Writing for The Washington Post, Prof. Maria Zuber, MIT’s vice president for research, outlines how the U.S. can reduce coal emissions without “declaring war on coal communities.” Zuber argues that the U.S. must “commit to helping the workers and communities that are hurt when coal mines and coal plants reduce their operations or shut down.” 

Boston Globe

Katie Rae, CEO and president of The Engine, speaks with Boston Globe reporter Scott Kirsner about the new venture, which is aimed at supporting startups focused on “tough tech.” Rae says The Engine is “a very hopeful project in my mind — investing in important ideas over the long-term.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Tim Logan writes that MIT has unveiled preliminary plans for the Volpe Center site. Logan writes that the plans currently include “1,400 housing units — one-fifth set at affordable rents — 1.7 million square feet of office and lab space, street-level retail and three acres of greenspace on the campus.”