To advance climate action, MIT seeks partnerships beyond industry
Engagement with political, community leaders must be a key part of forthcoming climate action plan, MIT climate leaders say.
Engagement with political, community leaders must be a key part of forthcoming climate action plan, MIT climate leaders say.
Effort to recast MIT for the post-Covid era will now shift to focus on refining and implementing ideas proposed earlier.
Daniel Hastings and Tracy Gabridge share their experiences as co-chairs of MIT’s Values Statement Committee.
MIT biology professor and pioneering researcher of cancer cell metabolism will succeed longtime director Tyler Jacks.
Joe Higgins and Krystyn Van Vliet discuss themes that emerged from extensive conversations on MIT’s workforce in the post-pandemic world.
As the Covid-19 pandemic altered our lives, the MIT community reached new levels of resilience and ingenuity.
Glenn Ellison and Danielle Khoury offer takeaways from a detailed reassessment of MIT’s financial picture for a post-Covid world.
Leader of MIT’s Industrial Performance Center will bring expertise in manufacturing, jobs, and growth.
Anantha Chandrakasan and Melissa Nobles describe themes that emerged from broad discussions on teaching and learning in the post-Covid world.
The specialist in platelet immunology and veterinary medicine will succeed James Fox, who is retiring after 45 years of service.
Forum features a range of experiences and perspectives about law enforcement and equity.
Keynote speaker at MIT’s annual MLK Celebration says fighting white supremacy requires far more than just reducing its harm.
Suzanne Blake of MIT Emergency Management analyzes the results from the program, which administered more than 250,000 tests last semester.
MIT submits special permit application to the City of Cambridge.