Environmentalist and explorer
Senior Elizabeth Rider uses atmospheric chemistry research to create international connections.
Senior Elizabeth Rider uses atmospheric chemistry research to create international connections.
Ubiquitous marine organism has co-evolved with other microbes, promoting more complex ecosystems.
MIT energy and climate thought leaders play integral part in discussions at CERAWeek 2017.
Geologist Oliver Jagoutz scales mountains to gain tectonic insights.
Over the next century, southern Africa will see widespread decreases in maize production.
MIT Media Lab event, Beyond the Cradle, launches a new initiative to explore the final frontier.
MIT ranked within the top 5 for 19 of 46 subject areas.
New estimate predates earliest fossil evidence by 800 million years.
Turbulence from seafloor topography may explain longstanding question about ocean circulation.
MIT’s vice president for research describes how growing up in eastern Pennsylvania shaped her views on climate policy.
Planets may harbor conditions suitable for sustaining liquid water — and thus life.
TREX program from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers undergraduates the opportunity to get out in the field.
New toolset evaluates economic impacts of ozone reduction policies for nine income groups.