From seawater to drinking water, with the push of a button
Researchers build a portable desalination unit that generates clear, clean drinking water without the need for filters or high-pressure pumps.
Researchers build a portable desalination unit that generates clear, clean drinking water without the need for filters or high-pressure pumps.
Admired teacher and mentor was a longtime member of the Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems and the High Voltage Research Laboratory, and champion of the VI-A Internship program.
MIT iQuHACK gave teams from across the country time and experience on real quantum computers.
MIT, RPI, and SUNY convene a national conversation on semiconductor tech translation and hard-tech startups.
Inspired by the human ear, a new acoustic fabric converts audible sounds into electrical signals.
New research provides insights into how quantum mechanics can control ultracold chemistry.
Seventeen new professors join the MIT community, with research areas ranging from robotics and machine learning to health care and agriculture.
The material could replace rare metals and lead to more economical production of carbon-neutral fuels.
Improvements in the material that converts X-rays into light, for medical or industrial images, could allow a tenfold signal enhancement.
National Science Foundation award will allow the VELION FIB-SEM to become a permanent instrument in MIT.nano’s characterization facility.
Using ultrathin materials to reduce the size of superconducting qubits may pave the way for personal-sized quantum devices.
The new qubits stay in “superposition” for up to 10 seconds, and could make a promising foundation for quantum computers.
Twist is an MIT-developed programming language that can describe and verify which pieces of data are entangled to prevent bugs in a quantum program.
MIT researchers lay out a strategy for how universities can help the US regain its place as a semiconductor superpower.
Undergraduate classes provide hands-on introduction to nanotechnology and nanoengineering at MIT.nano.