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Benefits Open Enrollment for 2013 starts Oct. 30

Relatively low premium increases and no major benefit changes this year.
The MIT Benefits Open Enrollment period for 2013 will take place starting on Oct. 30, and run through Nov. 9. This year, there are relatively low premium increases and no major benefit changes.

What's happening in 2013
  • The changes resulting from federal health care reform are minor for MIT this year because we've implemented several components already. But there are two items to note: The limit on the health flexible savings account has changed to $2,500; and a co-pay is no longer required for generic prescription contraceptives.
  • There are no changes or additions to MIT's two health plans. Co-pays for MIT Medical and outside providers covered by MIT Choice remain the same, $10 and $20 respectively. Prescription co-pays are also unchanged. The average increase to health plan premiums will be $13 a month. The average increase to dental premiums will be $3.50 a month, and the amount of dental coverage will rise from $1,500 to $1,750. Vision plan rates will stay the same, and rates for supplemental life insurance will decrease by 10 percent.
Employee Benefits Oversight Committee (EBOC)

This is a good time to remind you about the new Employee Benefits Oversight Committee (EBOC) established last spring. Created by the provost and executive vice president and treasurer, EBOC provides oversight for all benefits-related matters. It consists of three subcommittees: health, work-life and retirement. The health subcommittee is reviewing programmatic suggestions and will advise on federal health care reform; the work-life subcommittee is studying the policies needed for the new Technology Children's Center, TCC Vassar and will seek community input; and the retirement subcommittee will convene for the first time in January. Visit the EBOC website for more details.

MIT Medical services

In MIT Medical, we have a premier medical center right on campus. MIT faculty and staff choose a primary care provider at MIT Medical with either MIT health plan — MIT Traditional or MIT Choice. And even if your provider is elsewhere, MIT Choice Plan members and covered family members can still use many services at MIT Medical, including Urgent Care, the Eye Service and even Radiology (for easy access to procedures such as mammograms). In addition, MIT Medical's onsite laboratory makes it convenient to do your lab tests.

Other items of note
  • If you haven't done so already, please provide documentation for the dependents you're covering with health or dental coverage ( or they will lose coverage as of Jan. 1, 2013.
  • When you go on Employee Self Service to sign up for your benefits on Oct. 30:
    • Please consent to receive your annual W2 in electronic form only (you only have to do this once).
    • For faculty and staff on the main campus only, please take a moment to review/update your personal information, such as address and emergency contact.
Please visit the Open Enrollment site for complete details.

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